How to Make a Cat Paw Taba Squishy: Step by Step Instructions
Charming CheeseShare
Creating your own squishy toys can be a fun and rewarding DIY project. This guide will walk you through how to make a "taba squishy", using a cat paw squishy as our specific example. Squishies are soft, squeezable toys that are excellent for stress relief and sensory play. Whether you're an aspiring squishy maker or just looking for a creative outlet, this project is perfect for you.
Materials Needed:
- Silicone mold: In the shape of a cat paw
- Food-grade silicon (A & B)
- Small cups
- Mixing sticks
- Color paste
- Vaseline
- Kitchen scale
- Brushes
- Gloves
Steps to Make a Taba Squishy:
- Prepare Your Workspace: Lay down a plastic sheet to protect your work surface. Wear gloves and ensure you are in a well-ventilated area.
- Prepare the Silicone Mold: Clean the silicone mold thoroughly to ensure there is no dust or residue. Apply a thin layer of Vaseline to the mold to make it easier to remove the squishy later.
- Mix the Asilicon glue and B silicon glue in a cup: Measure equal parts of A and B components of the silicone using a kitchen scale. If you prefer a softer squishy, you can slightly increase the proportion of part B. Mix them thoroughly in a small cup using a mixing stick until the mixture is consistent.
- Add Color Paste: Add a small amount of pink (red) and white color paste to the silicone mixture. Mix well to ensure the color is evenly distributed.
- Pour the Pink Silicone: Carefully pour the pink silicone mixture into the cat paw mold's paw pad sections. Let it sit until it is partially cured (half-dry).
- Pour the White Silicone: Mix the A&B silicon glue again and add some white color paste to it. Once the pink silicone is partially cured, carefully pour the white silicone mixture over the entire mold, covering the pink silicone. This will create the two-toned cat paw effect. Let it sit until the silicone is fully cured--You should allow adequate time for the silicone to cure fully. Rushing this step can result in a misshapen squishy.
- Demold the Squishy in Water: To make demolding easier, submerge the mold in water and gently remove the cat paw squishy. This helps wash away the Vaseline and makes the process smoother.If there are any rough edges, you can trim them with scissors.
By following these steps and tips, you'll be able to create a charming cat paw squishy that provides both fun and relaxation. Happy squishy making!